Success Stories
$280,000.00 verdict, Orange County Florida - Lynn Miller v. Toms Food
Lynn Miller was a therapist who worked with mentally challenged youth on behalf of the Orange County School System. Her vehicle was rear ended by a Toms Food Delivery truck causing what initially appeared to be minor soft tissue injuries. The initial settlement offer was $6,000.00 Later, testing revealed a small disc herniation in her neck which was surgically repaired. The surgery resulted in lost time from work and medical expenses. The case went to trial in Orange County Florida and the jury returned a verdict for in excess of $280,000.00 to compensate Ms. Miller for the injuries which she received in the accident in question.
View More: Personal Injury Success Stories
Trucking Accident Blog
- Sulfur Spilled Onto Interstate After Semi-Truck Crash in Ocala
August 8, 2023 - Rear-End Collision Near Disney World Congests Traffic for Hours
February 1, 2023 - Lakeland Driver Killed During a Collision with a Semi-Truck in Polk County
April 11, 2022 - Five Students Injured During a Rear-End Collision in Levy County
March 31, 2022 - Eleven-Year-Old Fatally Injured During a Semi-Truck Crash on U.S. 27
March 10, 2022

5Walt Disney World Claims Department Employee
“I was involved in a motor vehicle accident where the other driver ran a red light and my car was a total loss. I was referred to James Cunningham due to the fact that our attorney’s have been very impressed with James Cunningham’s work. This fact turned out to be very true as Mr. Cunningham helped me win my case to a full and maximum settlement.”
- a Personal Injury client