Crash in Daytona Beach Injures Five People Over the Weekend
Five people are currently recovering from several injuries ranging in severity after two vehicles collided in the middle of a Daytona Beach intersection last Saturday evening, according to local Volusia County authorities.
According to responding officers with the Daytona Beach Police Department, it was close to 8:30 p.m. on August 20, 2022, when they were dispatched to the scene of an auto accident involving injuries near the intersection of Beville Road and S. Williamson Boulevard. Official incident reports indicate that a 26-year-old man from Michigan was behind the wheel of a Jeep and driving in the northbound direction of the outer turning lane of S. Williamson Boulevard. At this same time, a 42-year-old male resident of Port Orange was driving a pickup truck along the same street in the same lane from the southern direction.
As the two motorists approached the intersection of Beville Road and S. Williamson Boulevard, the driver of the Jeep attempted to make a turn onto Beville Road. While he was in the process of this maneuver, the pickup truck driver failed to yield for the red traffic light governing the intersection and the two vehicles crashed into each other. The extreme force from the impact of the crash caused both the Jeep and the pickup truck to roll over multiple times along the roadway before finally coming to a complete stop.
Local emergency responders including members of the Daytona Beach Police Department and crews with the Daytona Beach Fire Department arrived at the site of the two-car crash and even though both vehicles sustained serious damage during the collision, rescuers were able to successfully extricate every person from both vehicles. In total, five accident victims were transported to a nearby hospital for additional medical treatment. The names, ages, and current conditions of everyone involved are temporarily being withheld pending notification of relatives.
At this time, no formal charges have been brought against either driver involved in this collision, however, that could change depending on the outcome of the investigation by the Daytona Beach Police Department. Further information is expected to be released to the media once it becomes available.
James O. Cunningham
Since 1977, personal injury lawyer James Cunningham has provided effective legal advocacy to people who are injured through the negligent actions of another person or entity throughout the Central Florida area. He fights to obtain recoveries for his clients’ physical and emotional pain and suffering and pursues his clients’ personal injury cases with a commitment to excellence and impeccable preparation.