Silver Star Road
Two Women Struck and Killed By SUV While Waiting for a Lynx Bus
Orlando police say that two women were recently struck and killed by a sports utility vehicle while they sat at a Lynx bus stop. Police report that the women were waiting for a bus around 10:45 p.m. one recent evening at the bus stop on Silver Star Road near Le Havre Boulevard when they were run over by a 2004 Hyundai driven by a 45-year-old woman, address unknown. Accident investigators say that the driver of the Hyundai was traveling westbound on Silver Star Road when she suddenly swerved and drove into the two victims. Police do not yet know what caused the driver to swerve into and strike the victims.
Ocoee Police to Add Three More Red Light Cameras
Ocoee city commissioners have voted to allow the installation of three additional red light cameras after police showed them that the cameras can be used to solve other crimes besides drivers disobeying a traffic signal. Ocoee Police used footage from a camera already in place to help solve a recent homicide and received permission to place red light cameras at three busy intersections: westbound State Road 50 and Blackwood Avenue; westbound S.R. 50 and Maguire Road; and eastbound Silver Star Road and Clarke Road.
Teacher Injured in Orlando Auto Accident
A 33-year-old Evans High science teacher suffered injuries when her Jeep was struck by a stolen vehicle carrying three teens. Police report that the 17-year-old driver of the stolen Mitsubishi ran a red light and struck the teacher’s Jeep Liberty on the passenger side. The accident occurred around 7 a.m. on Nov. 26 near the high school at the intersection of Silver Star Road and Kingsland Avenue.