Seminole High School Student Killed in Sanford SUV Accident
The life of a Seminole County high school student was tragically cut short over the weekend after he was involved in a fatal auto accident along Orange Boulevard and Oregon Street in Sanford. Preliminary reports from responding officers with the Florida Highway Patrol indicate that the driver was traveling at a high rate of speed when their vehicle suddenly began to hydroplane before it crashed into a roadside utility pole, killing one of the three teenage passengers.
It was approximately 11 a.m. on Sunday, September 20th, 2020, when local Sanford authorities and troopers with the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) received the initial calls from dispatchers directing them to the scene of a car accident located in the vicinity of Orange Boulevard and Oregon Street. After their arrival, authorities discovered a badly beaten-up 2020 Chevrolet Impala resting next to the road after what appeared to be a collision with a nearby utility pole. Upon further investigation of the roadway and surrounding areas, officers were able to determine that the SUV was indeed speeding when it encountered a slick patch of pavement which caused the vehicle to hydroplane out of control before slamming into the aforementioned power pole.
As emergency rescue teams rushed up to the damaged SUV, they found three young individuals: the 19-year-old driver, an 18-year-old passenger, and a 16-year-old passenger. The 18-year-old passenger was the highest trauma alert and was therefore the first to be removed from the SUV. The young man was then transported by ambulance to a local hospital, but due to the severity of his injuries, he passed away shortly after. The victim was later identified as Seminole High student and up-and-coming football star Zi’Erric Wynn. Remarkably, the youngest passenger in this car crash walked away without sustaining any injuries, and the driver was treated for his minor injuries and released at the scene.
According to the FHP, all three of the individuals involved in this collision are related but none of them were wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash. An investigation is currently ongoing.
Here at the Law Offices of James O. Cunningham, P.A., we’d like to extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends of those affected by this heartbreaking accident.
James O. Cunningham
Since 1977, personal injury lawyer James Cunningham has provided effective legal advocacy to people who are injured through the negligent actions of another person or entity throughout the Central Florida area. He fights to obtain recoveries for his clients’ physical and emotional pain and suffering and pursues his clients’ personal injury cases with a commitment to excellence and impeccable preparation.