Ford Erupts Into Flames After Driver Flees Crash in Oviedo
It was in the city of Oviedo that a fiery car crash took place on the morning of Friday, January 29th resulting in a coordinated response from police and emergency personnel as well as an ongoing investigation into the whereabouts of one of the drivers involved in the crash. Reports from the Florida Highway Patrol indicated that the incident was first reported sometime before 5:30 in the morning, while some motorists were making their way to work via the northbound lanes of State Road 417. Two of these vehicles, a Lexus and a Ford, were nearing the intersection of State Road 417 and Red Bug Lake when something happened to cause the driver of the Ford to fail to notice they were approaching the Lexus while traveling at a higher rate of speed.
When the person behind the wheel of the Ford failed to either slow their vehicle or change lanes, they collided with the rear of the Lexus with considerable force, causing both of the drivers to lose control of their vehicles. As a result of the crash, both of the cars were disabled. This fact, however, did not stop the driver of the Ford from exiting their vehicle, looking at the crash site, and deciding that they would be better off running away. This individual was able to make these decisions well in advance of emergency response crews reaching the area, and at the time of this writing there is a search underway for the person who was driving the Ford at the time of the crash. It is possible that documents existed within the Ford that could identify this individual, but shortly after they fled from the scene, their vehicle erupted in flames.
When emergency response crews reached the scene, they found that an individual who was inside of the Lexus at the time of the crash was injured. While the report indicated that these injuries were only minor, the individual was still transported from the crash site to a nearby hospital for treatment.
The Florida Highway Patrol has reached out to the surrounding community for assistance in identifying and apprehending the individual behind the wheel of the Ford at the time of the crash.
James O. Cunningham
Since 1977, personal injury lawyer James Cunningham has provided effective legal advocacy to people who are injured through the negligent actions of another person or entity throughout the Central Florida area. He fights to obtain recoveries for his clients’ physical and emotional pain and suffering and pursues his clients’ personal injury cases with a commitment to excellence and impeccable preparation.