Collision Between Ford Fusion and Pedestrian in Osceola County Leaves One Dead
A deadly pedestrian accident occurred in Osceola County, in the northernmost parts of this county, that left one person dead and another shaken, but uninjured. In a statement issued by the Florida Highway Patrol’s Sgt. Kim Montes, the accident happened close to 8:30pm, right by the intersection of Buenaventura Boulevard and Lakepointe Circle. This location is a little ways south of the East Osceola Parkway and the Orlando International Airport.
Montes’ report states that a man who has since been identified as Walter Quijano, was in the process of trying to walk across Buenaventura Boulevard when he encountered a 2011 Ford Fusion driven by the 39-year-old Orlando resident Lamont Lee. For some reason, Quijano walked directly in front of Lee’s Fusion, making it difficult for Lee to react in time to avoid the pedestrian. As a result, Lee collided with Quijano. Emergency crews were dispatched immediately to address the situation. They transported the badly injured Quijano to the Osceola Regional Medical Center, but unfortunately the extent of his injuries was such that he was pronounced dead shortly upon arriving at the medical facility.
Lamont Lee was reportedly unharmed by the incident, which is not uncommon in circumstances where an automobile and a pedestrian are the only characters involved. Due to the fragile nature of our bodies, collision with a metal object weighing several tons and hurtling down the road at speeds of 30, 40, or 50 mph is nearly always fatal to the pedestrian, while the driver, ensconced in his or her metal shell, is left virtually unharmed. Add to this the possibility that the driver might be distracted by their cell phone, intoxicated, or simply looking out of the wrong window, and the deadlines of these objects is amplified even more.
This particular accident is still under investigation, and the initial report suggests that Lamont Lee was not negligent in his driving. There are circumstances when the distracted/intoxicated/irresponsible party is the one with both feet on the ground. Ultimately, it is not always easy to pinpoint just who might be responsible for an accident such as this one.
James O. Cunningham
Since 1977, personal injury lawyer James Cunningham has provided effective legal advocacy to people who are injured through the negligent actions of another person or entity throughout the Central Florida area. He fights to obtain recoveries for his clients’ physical and emotional pain and suffering and pursues his clients’ personal injury cases with a commitment to excellence and impeccable preparation.