Man Arrested in Sanford After Two Fatal Hit-and-Run Incidents
Police working within Sanford have issued a report on the arrest of a 37-year-old individual who is believed to be behind two separate fatal hit-and-run accidents that took place on Monday, March 29th. The reports from the Sanford Police Department say that circumstances of the accident began as the 37-year-old was behind the wheel of a four-door Jaguar and traveling down the eastern lanes of State Road 46. Traveling in a lane near the four-door Jaguar was a motorcycle. It was as the two vehicles were nearing the intersection of State Road 46 and Summerlin Avenue that the driver of the Jaguar shifted their car in such a way as to strike the motorcyclist.
The force of the crash caused the motorcyclist to lose control of their vehicle and crash into the roadway. The driver of the Jaguar, on the other hand, continued to drive down the road for a short period of time before making a U-turn and heading west along the same road. When they reached the area where the struck motorcyclist lay badly injured, the 37-year-old drove their car across the median and then struck the motorcyclist for a second time, as well as an individual who had stopped to assist the biker.
After this second crash, the driver of the Jaguar continued to travel down the roadway before bursting through a fence and onto a service road close to the Orlando Sanford International Airport. It was while he was traveling down this service road that he crashed his car into a ditch.
Witnesses to the two collisions with pedestrians called 9-1-1 and soon police and paramedics were on the scene. While police officers tracked down the driver of the Jaguar, paramedics and EMTs tended to the motorcyclist and the person who had stopped to assist the biker after the initial accident. Sadly, due to the extent of the injuries these two people suffered during the collisions, there was nothing that the emergency medical teams could do. Both were declared dead at the scene of the crash.
The driver of the Jaguar was arrested at the site where he crashed his car. He told authorities some jumbled things about being chased by someone, although he was unable to say who or describe the car chasing him. A urine sample collected from the 37-year-old at the Central Florida Regional Hospital indicated that there may have been chemical stimulants within the person’s system at the time of both collisions.
The events of this deadly auto accident remain under investigation.
James O. Cunningham
Since 1977, personal injury lawyer James Cunningham has provided effective legal advocacy to people who are injured through the negligent actions of another person or entity throughout the Central Florida area. He fights to obtain recoveries for his clients’ physical and emotional pain and suffering and pursues his clients’ personal injury cases with a commitment to excellence and impeccable preparation.