Multiple Injured after Crash in Orange County
Four people were taken to Orange County hospitals on Saturday after a collision between multiple cars close to the intersection of Gatlin and Kennedy Avenue. Initial reports on the crash are not full of relevant details, indicating that the situation is still very much under investigation and that authorities have yet to fully reconstruct the events that led to the incident.
What we do know is that more than one car was involved in the incident, which took place at an unspecified time of day. We are also somewhat in the dark regarding the specific location of the crash. Reports from the Orange County Fire Rescue indicate that the crash took place close to Gatlin Avenue and Kennedy Avenue, but it did not specify whether or not the accident actually took place at the intersection of the two roads or if it happened somewhere else. These details are important to know as they can help us better understand the reasons behind the crash.
We do know that four people were taken from the crash site to hospitals nearby. One of the individuals was rushed to Orlando Regional Medical Center, where they were admitted as a trauma alert. The report did not indicate if the other three individuals were also taken to Orlando Regional Medical Center, nor did it say just how serious their injuries were believed to be at the time when they were admitted to the medical facility.
Updates to this story will emerge as the investigation proceeds, but for now we are left primarily in the dark regarding the incident. It is possible that only one vehicle was involved, but it is also possible that numerous cars contributed to the crash. If the latter is the case, then a significant part of the investigation will be an attempt to discover whether or not any one person was primarily responsible for the incident and, if so, judging just what charges should be filed against them.
At the time of this writing, the condition of the person who was taken to Orlando Regional Medical Center as a trauma alert is unknown. We are also not certain about the conditions of any of the others who were hospitalized.
James O. Cunningham
Since 1977, personal injury lawyer James Cunningham has provided effective legal advocacy to people who are injured through the negligent actions of another person or entity throughout the Central Florida area. He fights to obtain recoveries for his clients’ physical and emotional pain and suffering and pursues his clients’ personal injury cases with a commitment to excellence and impeccable preparation.