Two Civilians, Four Firefighters Injured in Orlando Car Crash
A severe collision that happened in Orlando on the morning of Sunday, February 10th, resulted in the hospitalization of six people, four of them firefighters. Reports from the Orlando Fire Department stated that the emergency vehicle accident happened along Interstate 4, close to where this road intersects with Orange Blossom Trail.
It was around 2:30 in the morning when a fire truck with the OFD responded to reports of a disabled vehicle along the road. When this engine reached the disabled vehicle, the driver turned it in such a way as to protect the disabled vehicle and its occupants. Inside of the firetruck, four firefighters were still sitting when another vehicle approached from Interstate 4. For reasons that are not clear, the driver of this vehicle either did not see or believed themselves further away from the fire truck. As a result, the civilian car collided with the rear of the truck while traveling at an advanced rate of speed.
Directly after experiencing the crash, all of the firefighters exited the vehicle and rushed to the other car in order to assist the driver and their passenger. The passenger was able to exit the vehicle without much help, but the driver of the car required significant help to become freed from the totaled vehicle. Pictures from the scene show the civilian car lodged underneath the rear of the fire engine, its hood completely crumpled froward and its roof sawed off by the firefighters in order to retrieve the injured driver.
The force of the crash pushed the fire truck almost 10 feet forward and resulted in numerous injuries being sustained by the firefighters who were inside of the cab. It does not appear however that the injuries that they experienced were anything more than minor, and it is believed that they were able to receive treatment and be released from the medical facility on the same day.
The driver of the civilian car and their passenger were also taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. At the time of this writing, their current condition is not known although it is believed that updates will emerge soon to inform the public on the investigation into the incident.
- Firefighters, civilians in hospital after Orlando fire truck crash on I-4
James O. Cunningham
Since 1977, personal injury lawyer James Cunningham has provided effective legal advocacy to people who are injured through the negligent actions of another person or entity throughout the Central Florida area. He fights to obtain recoveries for his clients’ physical and emotional pain and suffering and pursues his clients’ personal injury cases with a commitment to excellence and impeccable preparation.