Tractor-Trailer Collision in Brevard County Results in Massive Fire
Members of both the Brevard County Fire Rescue and the Palm Bay Fire Rescue teams were on hand to try and battle a massive fire that erupted along I-95 after two tractor-trailers collided with one another close to the Malabar Road exit. According to the official report from Brevard County Fire Rescue, the incident happened sometime before 5:15 in the afternoon, although the precise reasons behind why the two trucks collided are not known.
It seems that the two trucks were only a little ways south of the Malabar Road exit when the incident happened. The reports suggest that only two trucks were involved in the crash, although the reports do not provide any information on what happened to cause the collision in the first place. Traffic cameras located near to the area captured the incident, and footage of its aftermath was uploaded to numerous news sites as well as the social media accounts of various emergency response crews. This footage shows a white tractor-trailer jackknifed on the roadway as flames pour from all of its sides.
The footage released was taken from the scene minutes before the emergency response teams arrived and thick black smoke is seen pouring from out of the truck and across the roadway as the surrounding traffic attempts to continue on its way as though nothing were the matter. Given that much of the roadway was obscured in the dense smoke, it is rather miraculous that no other accidents occurred as drivers continued to follow their routes.
Emergency response crews arrived shortly afterward and were able to extinguish the flames without too much trouble. The cleanup of the incident did take a few hours, but all reports state that all lanes of I-95 were reopened before 8:00 in the evening. During the rush hour, traffic was delayed and rerouted along alternative roads.
None of the extant reports stated whether or not any of the people involved in the violent-looking crash were injured and, if so, whether any of them required hospitalization. As the investigation into the incident continues more reports will be issued by the various fire investigators who are in charge of uncovering the reasons behind the crash.
James O. Cunningham
Since 1977, personal injury lawyer James Cunningham has provided effective legal advocacy to people who are injured through the negligent actions of another person or entity throughout the Central Florida area. He fights to obtain recoveries for his clients’ physical and emotional pain and suffering and pursues his clients’ personal injury cases with a commitment to excellence and impeccable preparation.