Orlando truck accident lawyers
Florida Truck Accidents on the Rise
Vehicle safety is constantly scrutinized and improved upon, but less talked about is truck safety, which is not as safe as you might think. In 2013, the number of people who died in large truck crashes was 14 percent higher than in 2009. While other types of highway accidents decrease, truck accidents are increasing.
Orlando Man T-Boned by Truck On Way to Work
One day in early April, a 34-year-old father of four was driving to the airport, about to take a trip from Orlando to Dallas for work, when he was T-boned by a pickup truck. He was trapped inside the vehicle and eventually extricated and taken to the hospital, where he was treated for critical injuries including a collapsed lung, broken ribs, a fractured pelvis, and internal injuries. This accident left his family shattered, and his future uncertain.