Cocoa premises liability lawyers
Fall From Cocoa Beach Hotel Ends in Fatality
Reports began to emerge today regarding an incident involving an Orlando woman in Cocoa Beach who died in an incident that took place at a Cocoa Beach hotel sometime on Sunday, May 10th. What we know at the time of this writing is that the woman, who was not named in the initial report, was either staying at or visiting a Cocoa Beach hotel on the day in question when they walked to the balcony and fell four stories to the ground below.
Test Rocket Explodes in Cocoa, Damaging Nearby Businesses
On Thursday, a private company known as Rocket Crafters was in the process of testing one of their rocket engines when something went wrong at the launch site. According to reports from the company spokesperson, Rocket Crafters was in the process of working on an engine meant to assist in the launching of people into outer space when the mishap occurred. What exactly went wrong is not clear, but from the reports, it is apparent that it was sometime during the day and the event took place at a private property located along Cidco Road within the city of Cocoa.