Man Sets Fire to Home in Orlando after Argument
A house fire located along Ravenall Avenue just after 5:00 in the morning last Thursday resulted in the Orlando Fire Department battling a wall of flame and the arrest of a 51-year-old Orlando man. According to the Orlando Police Department, Terry Wright was living in the home along with at least two other men at the time of the fire. While the Orlando Fire Department fought the flames, Wright walked up to an attending Orange County Deputy and indicated that he caused the fire and was now turning himself into the police.
The investigation into the fire’s cause continued, during which time detectives with Orange County discovered plenty of evidence to support probable cause on Wright’s part. He was subsequently arrested on several charges including attempted murder and arson.
The report from police working for Orlando and Orange County indicates that Wright said he and one of the other individuals inside the house argued about a car shortly before the fire. Wright’s statement included details about how he became upset after one of this roommates borrowed a car and then failed to return the vehicle at the time specified. In his anger, Wright decided to set fire to the curtains. It is not clear just how he believed his actions would result in the return of the vehicle, but the resulting fire has given investigators a very clear picture as to what avenues Wright’s rage may take if not appropriately checked.
By the time firefighters with Orange County arrived, the home was a complete loss. Engulfed in flames, the best they could do was contain the blaze and prevent it from spreading to any of the nearby structures. The building was declared condemned shortly after the fire subsided.
Although Wright confessed to the act of setting the curtains on fire, it is not immediately clear whether investigators discovered anyone within the home at any point along the fight to subdue the fire. Additionally, it is not known whether or not anyone was injured or killed due to the incident, although it is believed that additional statements will be released in the coming days and weeks.
James O. Cunningham
Since 1977, personal injury lawyer James Cunningham has provided effective legal advocacy to people who are injured through the negligent actions of another person or entity throughout the Central Florida area. He fights to obtain recoveries for his clients’ physical and emotional pain and suffering and pursues his clients’ personal injury cases with a commitment to excellence and impeccable preparation.