Motorcyclist Killed in Rear-End Collision in Florida
Shortly before 3:40pm on Saturday, two vehicles, a pickup truck and a motorcycle were driving down Colonial Drive’s left lane when they collided. According to the report from the Florida Highway Patrol, the crash happened near to where State Road 50 and Saint Nicholas Avenue intersect. The report goes on to say that the motorcyclist was attempting to slow down before driving into a break in the median—probably attempting to turn around or to cross the road into a shopping center—when the accident occurred. Witnesses to the scene state that when the motorcyclist slowed down the pickup kept driving forwards at its current speed. This caused the front of the pickup to collide with the rear of the motorcycle.
When the back of the bike was impacted, the cyclist was violently thrown from the vehicle. Landing on the hard pavement, the cyclist did not get back up. When the emergency response crews arrived they quickly pronounced the motorcyclist—who has yet to be named—dead. It is not known whether or not they were wearing a helmet.
The driver of the pickup truck—also unnamed—is reported to have suffered from minor injuries, although the extent of these injuries has not been released. Also unknown is whether or not any formal charges have been filed against the driver of the pickup truck, although it seems highly likely that these charges will be forthcoming. Motorcyclists are some of the most at-risk individuals on the road, and every day scores of cyclists are hospitalized or killed due to the recklessness of the other drivers on the road. It seems that many people have difficulty seeing motorcycles, or they simply assume that the drivers of these contraptions are less vulnerable to death.
When a motorcycle is impacted, attempting to stay upright is nearly impossible. Once the momentum of the bike is disturbed in the slightest way, crashing is nearly inevitable. Due to the already unsafe nature of motorcycles, when an impact occurs it is highly probable that the body of the motorcycle driver will suffer the greatest brunt of the impact. For this reason, so many accidents involving motorcycles result in the death of the cyclist.
James O. Cunningham
Since 1977, personal injury lawyer James Cunningham has provided effective legal advocacy to people who are injured through the negligent actions of another person or entity throughout the Central Florida area. He fights to obtain recoveries for his clients’ physical and emotional pain and suffering and pursues his clients’ personal injury cases with a commitment to excellence and impeccable preparation.