Home Motor Vehicle Accident Information What to Do if You Are in an Accident

What to Do if You Are in an Accident

Do you know what to do if you are involved in an auto accident? Your decisions matter in a crisis situation. Be prepared by reviewing this auto accident guide.

Stop, Check and Call

Florida law takes hit and run accidents very seriously, so always pull over if you have been in an auto accident. If the vehicle damage is minor, pull your vehicle to the side of the road. Be careful, you do not want your car to create a risk for further accidents.

Once you have safely stopped the vehicle, check yourself and your passengers for any signs of injury. If you, a passenger or a pedestrian is hurt, please contact emergency medical assistance. Contacting the police is highly recommended after any auto accident.

Trade Information

Once you have checked for injuries and called the police and medical personnel, trade your contact information and insurance information with the other driver or drivers of the vehicles involved in the accident. Do not admit fault, and do not level blame. Simply gather the information for your records. Here's what you need:

  • Full name
  • Address and telephone number
  • License plate number
  • Driver's license number
  • Auto insurance information

Examine the Scene

Make a careful examination of the scene of the accident. Take pictures of each vehicle involved in the accident, paying close attention to any damaged areas of the vehicles. Photograph the area where the collision occurred, paying close attention to pavement markings and traffic control signs.

Cooperate with Police

When the police arrive, answer their questions about the facts of the accident, but do not add to or embellish these facts with opinions. Here is an example of the difference:

Fact: I was travelling around 45 miles an hour on the gravel road.
Opinion: I was going a little too fast for the road conditions.

Contact a Physician

If you begin experiencing pain after a motor vehicle accident, contact a physician for an examination. Sometimes, pain and injuries do not show up for several hours after an auto accident.

Contact an Experienced Auto Accident Attorney

James O. Cunningham is a Florida auto accident lawyer with over 30 years experience fighting for fair compensation for auto accident victims. Please contact the Florida Law Offices of James O. Cunningham, P.A. today and set up a consultation about your case.

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