Clermont Announces Plans to Install Red Light Cameras at 13 Intersections
Florida lawmakers may be getting ready to ban red light cameras across our state, but many communities are continuing plans to install new cameras at problem intersections. The Central Florida town of Clermont is the most recent community to announce plans to install the devices. City officials recently announced that they would be adding these devices at 13 intersections along State Road 50 and U.S. Highway 27 to prevent accidents and discourage drivers from disobeying traffic signals.
Intrepid Bicyclist Experiences His Own “Horrible” Bike Ride
The only bicyclist to participate in all 33 “Horrible Hundred Bike Rides” across Lake County nearly had his streak broken recently when he had his own horrible bike ride early this month. Stephen Rooks is a 56-year-old Cocoa Beach resident and an avid bicyclist who was involved in a serious bicycle accident when a driver failed to yield the right of way and turned directly in front of him. The driver was turning into her driveway and claims that she didn’t see the rider when she caused the accident that broke Rooks’ left clavicle and three ribs and destroyed his beloved bike.